What is the best treatment for heart attack?
A heart attack (also known as a myocardial infarction or MI) is a catastrophic medical emergency in which the heart’s blood supply is suddenly cut off, generally by a blood clot. A heart attack is a life-threatening condition that requires immediate medical attention(Heart blog).
Treatment for a heart attack in a hospital-
More heart tissue deteriorates or dies every minute after a heart attack. Quickly restoring blood flow helps to avoid heart injury.
The following medications may be used to treat a heart attack:
You might be told to take aspirin by the 911 operator, or you might be given aspirin right away by emergency medical staff. Aspirin helps sustain blood flow through a constricted artery by reducing blood clotting.
Clot busters are medications that help eliminate a blood clot that is obstructing blood flow to your heart. After a heart attack, the sooner you get a thrombolytic medicine, the more likely you are to live and have less heart damage.
Agents that inhibit platelet aggregation-
Other medications known as platelet aggregation inhibitors may be prescribed by emergency department doctors to help prevent new clots and keep existing clots from spreading.
Medications that thin the blood-
Other medications, such as heparin, will most likely be prescribed to make your blood less “sticky” and less likely to clot. Heparin is administered intravenously or as a subcutaneous injection.
Analgesics are pain relievers-
A pain reliever, such as morphine, may be given to you. Nitroglycerin. This medicine can help improve blood flow to the heart by widening (dilating) the blood vessels, which is used to alleviate chest pain (angina).
Beta-blockers are a type of medication that prevents the body-
These drugs assist your heart relax, slow down your beating, and lower your blood pressure, making your heart’s work simpler. Beta blockers can help prevent future heart attacks by limiting the amount of damage to the heart muscle.
Surgical and other interventions
You could have one of the following treatments to treat your heart attack in addition to medications:
Angioplasty and stenting of the coronary arteries-
Doctors use a long, thin tube (catheter) to guide a long, thin tube (catheter) through an artery in your groin or wrist to a blocked artery in your heart in this operation, also known as percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). This technique is generally done right after a cardiac catheterization, which is a procedure meant to detect blockages, if you’ve had a heart attack. A specific balloon on the catheter is briefly inflated once it is in place to unblock a blocked coronary artery. To maintain the artery open for the long term and restore blood flow to the heart, a metal mesh stent is usually always implanted. To keep your artery open, you usually get a stent coated with a slow-release medication.
Bypass surgery for the coronary arteries(Heart attack treatment in Hospital)-
When a person has a heart attack, surgeons may perform emergency bypass surgery. However, if your heart has had time to recuperate from your heart attack — typically three to seven days — you may be able to have bypass surgery.
Bypass surgery involves stitching veins or arteries in place beyond a blocked or narrowed coronary artery, allowing blood to bypass the narrowed segment and return to the heart.
After blood flow to your heart is restored and your condition is stable, you’ll most likely stay in the hospital for many days.
Cardiac rehabilitation is a term used to describe the process of rehabilitating(Heart attack treatment in Hospital)
Most hospitals provide programs that begin while you’re in the hospital and last for several weeks to months after you leave. Medication, lifestyle changes, mental concerns, and a gradual return to normal activities are the four primary areas of cardiac rehabilitation.
It is critical that you enroll in this program. After a heart attack, those who go to cardiac rehab live longer and are less likely to have another heart attack or problems from the first one. Inquire with your doctor if cardiac rehab is not indicated during your hospital stay.
Lifestyle and home remedies-
Smoking should be avoided:
To improve your heart’s health, the most crucial thing you can do is quit smoking. Also, stay away from secondhand smoke. If you need to quit, seek advice from your doctor.
Keep your blood pressure and cholesterol under control:
If one or both of these are high, your doctor may recommend dietary and pharmaceutical modifications. Inquire with your doctor about how often your blood pressure and cholesterol levels should be checked.
Maintain a healthy lifestyle by visiting the doctor on a regular basis:
High blood cholesterol, high blood pressure, and diabetes are all big risk factors for heart attacks, although they don’t always cause symptoms. Your doctor can check for these illnesses and, if necessary, help you manage them.
Regular exercise can assist improve heart muscle function after a heart attack and can also help avoid one. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of strong aerobic activity per week, or a combination of both.
Maintain a healthy body mass index (BMI):
Excess weight puts a strain on the heart and can lead to excessive cholesterol, blood pressure, and diabetes.
Eat a diet that is good for your heart:
Dietary saturated fat, trans fats, and cholesterol can restrict arteries leading to the heart, whereas too much salt can elevate blood pressure. Consume a heart-healthy diet rich in lean proteins like fish and legumes, as well as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
Take care of your diabetes:
Regular exercise, a healthy diet, and weight loss all contribute to blood sugar levels that are more desirable. Many persons with diabetes require medication to control their condition.
Reduce your stress levels:
Reduce the amount of stress you experience in your day-to-day activities. Rethink your workaholic tendencies and learn healthier ways to cope with tough situations in your life.
Alcohol should be avoided or consumed in moderation:
Consume alcohol in moderation if you wish to do so. That is up to one drink per day for women and up to two drinks per day for men for healthy people.
Also read : About diagnostic test to heart attack.
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